We returned yesterday from a week’s vacation in Chicago. We went for my good friend Amanda’s wedding (which you will hear more about in the future), and she was kind enough to let us stay in her apartment while she’s on her honeymoon, so C and I got our first real vacation together (yes, after 8 years of marriage, this was the first).

It was awesome! We mostly hung out and relaxed, but we did manage to do a bit of Touristy Stuff. We ate some really great food though, including this amazing little chocolate raspberry tart from Oak Mill Bakery. Got to spend a bit of time with Ysolda too, while she was in town.
In Chicago Ysolda and I went to this great embellishments shop called Soutache. It was really easy to drop a lot of cash with all the glorious ribbons and buttons and feathers (oh my!). Soutache’s website is really bare bones, but Maili the owner told me she’d be happy to ship stuff and match to samples if I had something in mind.

Before I left, I got the patterns all cleaned up, laid out and sent out for tech editing, so the whole collection should be up for sale by the end of the month. I’ve started percolating the next collection in my brain, but it’s not solid enough to talk about quite yet. I’ve been looking over these pantone chips trying to decide on colors for the collection so I can start ordering yarn.
In the meantime I’ve been enjoying some non-publication knitting! I made a wedding present for Amanda and her new husband, but forgot to photograph it in it’s complete state before I left, but the photo is a little sneak peek. Color was key for anything involving Amanda 🙂
I’m also most of the way through the Pleat Neck Tunic from Debbie Bliss Magazine Spring/Summer 2010 issue. I’m knitting it for my niece in Eco Baby and it’s surprising me how much I’m enjoying it. Usually I hate knitting with cotton, but the cabled structure of the yarn gives it a bounce cotton doesn’t usually have. Front and back down, just knitting the sleeves now and they’re short.
Maybe one more “for myself” project and then I’ve got to get back to the work knitting. Hope you’re all having a glorious May!
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