Bad Movie and Good Dress Experience

Note: I found a bit of errata stuff in the Boudica Socks, so I’ve posted them on the Errata page.

On Tuesday night we decided to go see Transformers. We are movie fanatics, and also hardcore geeks, so the idea of going to see a movie that’s basically at tribute to CGI in the form of a comic from our childhoods sounded like fun. what WASN’T fun was the not getting to see it.

We sat in the theater for an hour, going through various permutations of malfunction….

– Sound from the advertisements with video from the previews and beginning of the movie.
– No sound at all, and preview for the movie
– No sound at all, and advertisements
– Sound for the previews, but no video.
– Brightly colorful screen of doom indicating there were neither sounds NOR video.

The show was supposed to start at 7:40, at 8:15 we took some pictures because hell, if I wasn’t seeing a movie, I might as well be documenting it, right?

After an HOUR of waiting for them to fix the movie (and rebooting the projector a couple of times), they sent us on our way with a refund. I think it should have been a double refund though. Not only did we not get to see the movie we had paid for, but we sat there for half of a movie’s worth just being pissed off while they told us “2 minutes!” and then “15 minutes!”, etc… Or at least we should have got free treats while we waited.

Anyway, I did get some sock knitting done. C’s socks are well into the cuff because I can’t find my chart for the secret lace project and therefore cannot continue until I either find it or recreate it *headdesk*

I did get myself a dress though. I needed a dress to wear to The Other Miriam’s wedding next weekend, so on a couple of recommendations I stopped by Ann Taylor Loft and found a real beauty of a dress, had a fabulous shopping experience and decided that I need to return there as often as my pocketbook will allow.


Hannah finished an Adamas shawl in beautiful silk yarn! It’s her second one : )

Mim is MIA

Sorry for the non-blogging lately… I’m knitting like a fiend on the really boring portion of the secret lace and work has been sucking the life out of me.

Only 7 days until my vacation!!! That’s what got me pulling through.

That and Arctic Monkeys on repeat… VERY LOUD in my headphones.


Random List for a Saturday

A bit of wee random listy-ness:

  1. The other day I was waiting in the car for Caleb to come back out of the gas station when a guy pulls up next to our car in the parking lot. But he’s not pulled into the handicap spot there, no… he’s pulled across the handicap spot (he didn’t have a sticker OR a plate for it) AND the wheelchair space next to it at a diagonal. Just being a complete ASS, so I glared at him so he knew he was an ass. And then he got out of his minivan and totally biffed it face first into the concrete curb. It was awesome. I laughed out loud and knew that karma exists and the Universe is in balance.
  2. And yesterday I was walking by a bus stop and I saw a little kid (probably about 2 yrs old) holding his shirt up with his chin and and looking intently downward. I thought he was examining his belly button until I realized he had his tiny penis out and was peeing on the sidewalk! I laughed out loud at that too. Not sure if his mother knew or not, but she smiled at me.
  3. This is awesome! If you have to graft any lace, ever, give this a shot. It looks like it would work wonderfully well. I’ve also put it in the lace reference shelf sidebar section. Brava Knitter Guy! You have saved me much headache!

Hope you’re all having a good weekend!


Magical Moon

I took this pic a few months back, but never uploaded it. I also got this cool one too. Click for bigger!

When I read Wil Wheaton‘s Geek in Review column this week about how he began his love of science and space, it reminded me of my first experience with a Moon Illusion.

I was probably about 13, living in a small town in Eastern Utah. My parents were away and my older brother Andrew was in charge when some friends of his were adamant that they have a party at our house. No matter how much Drew tried to persuade them not to, they insisted they were coming over. So Drew packed me and the 2 younger boys up into the car and drove around town for a while, I guess so that if his friends DID show up, they would go away when they found the house locked and no one home.

I was sort of scared. I’ve always felt that home was safe and sacred, so the idea of having to leave home to be safe left me shaken. And then we turned a corner and the moon was HUGE on the horizon. Huge, orange-red and shaped like a potato. I remember gasping and totally forgetting that I was scared of leaving home in the night. Now I was scared that the world was ending. I guess it should tell you something about me that my first thought on seeing this amazing scientific phenomenon was that it must be a sign the world was going to explode. I was a very frightened child and I didn’t like anything unpredictable.

In my recollection, the moon seemed to cover half the sky, but I’m sure it wasn’t really that big. But even now, when I think back on it, I gasp a little and I get just a bit scared. A tiny rush of adrenaline that echoes what I felt that night I thought the world would end.


Potted Sage

I have been instructed to inform you all that…


She custom dyed some roving for me. I wanted something really cool to give away as the spinning prize in my birthday contest, so I asked her to dye me something with shades of sage to olive green and a bit of chocolately brown. The result is lovely, and I wish I had a better picture, this one didn’t capture all the shades of greens, I called it Potted Sage.

And she created it from this color swatch I made:

I got her to dye one 4 ounce bump for the prize winner and one for myself : ) Socks, here I come! Thanks so much Scout!

*The reason she love ME best, is because the base for this roving is Superwash BFL, which she doesn’t technically carry, it was just a special batch. If you want the colorway, she can do it in any of her yarns or in a superwash merino roving.

*ETA* Here is Scout’s picture of it before she sent it off to me:


My Free Speech Rant.

OK, a bit ranty here….

There have been a lot of posts around blogland recently about people saying mean things on blogs and whether or not it’s appropriate or acceptable and who has RIGHTS to say what…. etc…

*edited to add* What really triggered this post is that people are all picking sides and making camp on one or the other extreme of this issue and Cara’s is the only rational voice I’ve heard so far.

Yes, people have the RIGHT to free speech. People can write whatever the hell they want to and get away with it. Just look at Ann Coulter! Is it nice? Usually not, nor does it always HAVE to be nice. Legitimate criticism is what keeps this world progressing and moving toward a better place.

That said, I think it’s important to keep in mind that what you say could seriously damage someone’s reputation. In that case it’s called libel. If someone wrote I was a child molester, and it was unfounded, then it could seriously damage my business and my standing in the community.

Last time I checked, free speech was only tempered by libel and slander laws. Libel is defined as:

1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it.
c. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.
–verb (used with object)
3. to publish a libel against.
4. to misrepresent damagingly.
5. to institute suit against by a libel, as in an admiralty court.

My understanding is that for something someone writes to be illegal, it would need to be misrepresenting, untrue AND damaging. You can’t win a libel lawsuit without proving that something someone printed or published had a negative impact on your business or repuation. No one can revoke your right to say something MEAN as long as it isn’t damaging.

I agree with the Yarn Harlot in that I think people don’t quite understand that what they publish in thier blogs could be damaging or hurtful or even if it is, that EVERYONE can see it, I’ve received more e-mails than I care to count with people telling me (in the nicest way possible and “meaning no offense”) that my photographs suck, or my patterns would be better if I did them this other way, or that using treasury stitch patterns is a cop-out for lazy designers. It’s rude, but it is within their rights.

The internet has bred a world where people aren’t thinking before they click. But it’s a small world and it would be ideal if everyone would state their opinions supported by facts, and in a rational way. It doesn’t mean you CAN’T have opinions, just that maybe you should think about whether they’re rational and supported or not BEFORE you post them.

Having been on both ends of this spectrum and having learned my lesson, I try to say nothing critical without legitimate facts to back it up. Being the morbid, dark and cynical person that I am, I am the LAST one in the WORLD to say that everyone should be shiny happy people all of the time (or even MOST of the time). In fact, I generally DESPISE those people. I realized yesterday that the reason I really knee-jerk disliked someone that I know was because she’s always got this smile plastered on her face and it drives me batshit crazy! But is it irrational to ask that you give it some thought before you say or post it? Please be rational and respectful. Is that too much to ask?


Finally! With the Knitting!

Finally, I give you the long awaited (at least by me) knitting. It’s all Lorna’s Laces all the time around my house, apparently.

Project #1

Socks for my C

His birthday is coming up at the end of July, so it was high time I start a pair of socks for him in the Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock I snagged out of the discount bin at Black Sheep wool Company here in Salt Lake. They’re C’s favorite sock pattern. Toe up, 80 sts, k3p2 ribbing with a short row heel. The feet were both knitted on the Estes Park road trip and I’m just into the cuff on both of them now. I’ll knit and knit until the yarn runs out. I’m sure C will love them, but then again, it might lead to a boycott of all socks but those made from Lorna’s Laces yarn.

Project #2

The secret lace wrap

I color corrected it a bit because it was looking downright purple, but the color is Manzanita and it’s just lovely! The yarn is Lorna’s Laces Helen’s Lace (50% silk/50% wool). Can’t tell you much more than that, sorry! But It’s moving along nicely.


Mondays suck.

I’m alive and well. Although the shooting in Salt Lake City this morning took place just down the street from me and word was passed down to lock all the doors, I’m fine. A convict white supremacist guy shot the corrections officer who was guarding him while he had an MRI at the Orthopedic Center. My bus was probably going right by the center when the convict got a hold of the gun and shot the officer in the head. My boss was just coming in to the Orthopedic Center with his wife when the escaped convict was leaving.

A bit of a rush for a Monday, eh?

A real update hopefully tomorrow. I just have been too busy to take pictures.


Just one more reason to use Firefox…. as if you needed it

So you all are browsing this here blog using Firefox right? No? Well you SHOULD be! Firefox is free, and I hear more secure than Inter*net Expl*rer, you’re not supporting Micr*soft (aka, the evil empire) and hello! Tabbed browsing! AWESOME!

If you’re already using tabbed browsing you know how lovely it is to have one window with multiple tabs open instead of multiple internet browsing windows open. But I just found something out that made me love the Firefox people all the more! If you click on “History” along the top betweeen View and Bookmarks, there is an option to view “Recently Closed Tabs”, so if you accidentally closed a tab that you didn’t MEAN to close, voila! There it is!

I <3 you Firefox! Note: I have no affiliation with Firefox other than I am a very happy consumer of it. Really... you can't go wrong. It's free. Hopefully a real post later today. M

French Icarus and Hidcote downloads now available.

Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve got French Translations of Icarus and Hidcote up in the store. You select the version you want by using the dropdown box at the bottom of the page. It will default to “PDF-English”, but you can choose “PDF-Francais” if you want the french version and then add it to your cart.