Courtesy of my friend Morgan and whoever the unattributed author is: Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her […]
Miriam Felton
Category Archives: Knitting
Frantic, but home safely
TNNA was awesome as usual. I’ve got some highlights to write up, and I am still processing photos, but here are some from me and some from others. From the Stitch Co-op booth (did I mention that I am joining the Stitch Cooperative? I am. They have graciously accepted me even though my patterns aren’t […]
Thanks, Updates, and Farewell for the weekend
I’ve been meaning to thank you all for your support and congratulations for my change of situation. I’m really excited about it, and some of my coworkers have commented on how happy and smiling I am. I didn’t realize it, but I spent every day at work very serious, worried and a bit angry. That’s […]
Please Act on the CPSIA
So we all remember the lead-in-toys-from-China recalls right? Well, as well intentioned as our US Congress is (I am giving them the benefit of the doubt in this case), sometimes they let a knee-jerk reaction overwhelm logical thought. I believe this is the case with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). This lovely little […]
And so it starts…
Today I gave notice. I thanked my boss for her support and the opportunities she has given me. Today I quit my job…. so that I can design full-time. I am, simultaneously, giddy and bubbling over with excitement and absolutely terrified. I have taken the safe route so many times in my life. I chose […]
Good News!
My Aunt’s cancer appears to be contained to one area that is easily removed. She’s got surgery scheduled for next week and then will probably have some chemo or radiation afterward to be sure, but this is considerably better than the options if the cancer had spread. In fact, I’ll be heading to San Diego […]
Shivaya Naturals Interview
Hey all, I’m doing a design for Shivaya Naturals‘ 2009 Yarn Club, so Heather interviewed me for their blog. If you’re interested, the interview is here. Also, the yarn club is up for subscriptions, just click the “buy now” button in the sidebar of that link.
New Year, New Plans
I could really just throw last year’s 3 goals up again and tell myself “Stick with those, they worked for you” but I like to take the new year as a time to assess how far I have come, and what my plan for the future is. Not so much resolutions as assessment of where […]
I Need Your Thoughts and Prayers
My Aunt has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. At this time we don’t know how far it has reached, she has a diagnostic test next month, but if you could all send your prayers, good thoughts, best wishes or whatnot, I would appreciate it. M
Clearing Cobwebs
Re-entry to the workforce yesterday was brutal, and then I woke up this morning at about 3:30 am thinking (in my obsessive way so that I could not get back to sleep) about how the only thing I could think of in the grocery store that has no marketing campaign is ammonia. Ammonia: distilled from […]