A bit behind, but I’ve been enjoying my time off work and celebrating by doing almost nothing 🙂 The Borg Fan Collective and Stargate Atlantis: Season 2 have been good standbys for some much needed vegging, but I did manage to drag myself into something other than pajamas and to the post office to mail […]
Miriam Felton
Category Archives: Knitting
More FO's
I’ll post more of the FO’s as I get them photographed and out of the queue. Again with the ravelry links and the laziness 😉 Clown Barf socks Summary: These were the socks that C basically dared me to make for him, and I have to say he has stuck to his word. When I […]
Shifting Priorities
Apparently, when I am stressed and busy, the blog is the first thing to go. I didn’t intend to be away for so long, but my entries would have been akin to this: “I am busy, and feel uncreative. I have more angst than a pimply teenager. Please excuse the whiney content. Blah blah blah… […]
The Slog
I feel like I’ve fallen off the face of the planet! I’ve had a couple of e-mails checking in with me, so I figured I ought to say something. I am alive, but really just off. You know what I mean? My life consists of going to work, high stress while I work, going home, […]
Pattern Release: Andromeda Shawl
Andromeda is now available for purchase. Check out the shop for more info. This top-down shawl plays with movement of stitches, having both subtle curving motion and clean decrease lines. The tessellating wave motif shifts and increases like ripples in a pond. The uneven picot edging speaks of waves crashing against the shore. Yarn Requirements: […]
One of those moments
It has been an absolutely beautiful autumn. It’s lasted longer than I thought was possible in this place. We normally have 2 seasons (summer and winter) with about a week of transition in between, but fall has been long, luxurious and sensual this year. Yesterday the leaves on the maples outside of my office building […]
A bit of political
As the USA heads into another very important election, we are bombarded by a lot of advertisements, slogans, and one-word reasons why we should vote a certain way or against someone else. If you haven’t made up your mind by now, I can’t see any more bombardment making a difference. And that’s not why I’m […]
Teaching in November
photo courtesy of elisabethp I’ll be in Portland on November 8 and 9 teaching some lace classes at Knit/Purl. I’ll be doing an Introduction to Lace Knitting on November 8 and an Introduction to Lace Design Class on November 9. If you’re a Portland area knitter, or making a trip to Portland, come on down! […]
Shakespeare In Lace
Anne has announced the 2009 Wooly Wonka Lace Club and I’m excited to be a part of it again. This year the theme is Shakespeare. Here is the line-up. March: Miriam Felton of Mimknits is kicking off the subscription kits with a nod to Othello. She’s taking her design theme from Desdemona’s handkerchief, a strawberry […]
Dimorphous Errata
Of course, almost as soon as I post the pattern, there are some errata. They’re simple, but important. You can see the errata here, but the download has been updated. If you would like to download the updated version, just send me a note using the contact form with your order number and I’ll be […]