I managed to make it through a whole week of posting! And now to reward the hard work, today is random. 1. C and I have been renting Dr. Who, Season 1 through NetFlix. I don’t know what it is about British Television… is it just me or does it seem better to anyone else? […]
Miriam Felton
Category Archives: Knitting
An actual knitting update, but with pictures of flowers
I really didn’t expect to get so many people de-lurking when I posted about birth control. It seems like there are a lot of women for whom artificial hormones are just BAD NEWS! I’m rather excited at the prospect of getting back to ‘Normal’, and being able to think clearly again. I have been knitting […]
Pattern Release: Aspen Grove Shawl
The Aspen Grove Shawl is now available for purchase and download in the store. The shawl is designed in 3 parts. Each of the 4 repeated wedges of the shawl begins with a gathering of leaves, then moves downward into the twisting, odd trunks of the aspens, culminating in the feather and fan edge, which […]
Persephone Scarf
This is the handspun angora/silk version of this scarf. I’ll be making another version of it in a commercial yarn (I’m leaning toward Dream in Color Baby) and release the pattern on about April 15th. The pattern for the handspun version is going out with the final offering for the Wooly Wonka Exotic Fibers Club. […]
Shop News
I upgraded my shop this evening and added the paypal express checkout module, which I had been trying to add for a good 6 months but finally got all the pieces in play tonight (the backup worked perfectly, which rarely happens, and I got all the upgrades and installs right. Woot!). If you notice anything […]
Books from me, Books for me
I made quite a few books this weekend which are now up for sale in my etsy shop if you’re interested, but I also got a package from YesAsia.com! Japanese knitting books are fabulous. If you can read charts, then you can knit from one of them, and their combinations of knits and purls and […]
No time for words…
… but still knitting. Click to get to flickr to see bigger pics. M
Babies, Babies EVERYWHERE!
Is it just me or is everyone pregnant?! There are a ton of people in blogland, and a ton of people IRL just popping out the babies! Most of the time I tend to think that the mother is neglected in favor of the coming child (for instance, people ask a mother-to-be how the BABY […]
I think I'm in love…
I’m not sure which I’m more in love with, the Zephyros Shawl, or my new camera! You can see the whole flickr set here. When I’ve struggled with a project I always get a little pissed off at it by the end. I’m less than pleased until I look at it through the lens of […]
A sneak peek at Zephyros.
Thought you all might like the heads up. The ‘Lace in the Woods’ Retreat has been cancelled. If you were registered Jackie should be getting you a refund shortly. If you were planning on going, sorry! It sounded like it would be fun. But you know what they say about doors and windows and all […]