Click here to read Part 1
Click here to read Part 2
The next two designs have chevrons executed using tightly stacked diverging cables. Click any of the photos to see them bigger.

The sweater of the collection is such an easy piece to wear! With the chevron cable flowing up the fronts, wrapping over the shoulders to have a shoulder seam on the back of the shoulder rather than the top, and flowing down the center back of the sweater. I think the sleeves will end up being 3/4 or bracelet length, but I’ll play it by ear. With deep ribbing on the bands, it will be adorable worn open or pinned.
The yarn is The Fiber Company Savannah, a tweedy Wool/Cotton/Linen/Soya blend that really makes beautiful cables! It’s crisp and soft and I love the slightly nubbly texture.

The opera length gloves will have the same cable from the sweater, but with it widening as the cuff grows upward from the wrist. Plenty of cuff will help to keep arms warm under a coat.
The yarn is MadelineTosh Tosh DK, which is lofty and bouncy and so lovely! And of course, the color is awesome.
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